Tuesday, December 16, 2014

B&O Railroad Museum 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

The B&O Railroad Museum (Museum) in Baltimore, Maryland invites applications for its 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. The SURF will commence on or about June 15, 2015 and culminate with the submission of a paper no later than December 15, 2015. The Hays T. Watkins Research Library and Archive at the Museum will be made available for your use but Fellows will be expected to use other local, regional and national repositories as well.

One fellowship will be awarded in the six categories listed below. The stipend for each Fellowship is $2,000. One quarter of the stipend will be paid upon selection; the second quarter payment will be made on or around September 1, 2015 with the remainder of the stipend awarded upon submission of the research paper. The research paper should reflect the result of successful original primary and secondary source research conducted by the Fellow and be no less than 5,000 words. The Fellow will grant non-exclusive unlimited use of the research and research paper to the B&O Railroad Museum, Inc. including permission to publish the paper on the Museum's blog.

Designed to promote scholarship among college and university students in the United States the following categories of research are available.

The Charles and Mary Kay Nabit Fellowship in Early American Railroad History
Spans the period of 1750-1840 in American History.

The Brooke, McDonald and Company Fellowship in American Railroad Business Studies
Spans the period of 1825 to present in American History.

The Edward and Lynn St. John Fellowship in Railroad Engineering Studies
Spans the period of 1825 to present in American History.

The Samuel L. Waldschmidt Fellowship in American Railroad Labor Studies
Spans the period of 1840 to present in American History.
The B&O Railroad Museum Fellowship in African-American Railroad Studies
Spans the period of 1825 to present in American History.
The Eleanor Abell Owen Fellowship in Women's Railroad Studies
Spans the period of 1860 to present in American History.

Who may apply?
Any sophomore, junior or senior in an accredited undergraduate college or university in the United States.

How to apply?
Please submit your curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation (from individuals familiar with your research and writing) and the Fellowship category for which your are applying. In addition submit a two to four page proposal describing your research project including your planned topic with a list of proposed repositories, other than the Hays T. Watkins Research Library and Archive at the B&O Railroad Museum where research will be conducted. Your proposal shall be created using Times New Roman 12 point font and 1" margins. 

Mail applications to:
B&O Railroad Museum
SURF Review Board
901 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21223
Email applications will be accepted if, and only if, the submission is presented as a PDF (*.pdf)
Email applications should be sent to:
Applications must be postmarked by April 10, 2015. Awards will be announced on May 15, 2015.

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