Saturday, November 29, 2014

Courtney Wilson & Myrtle Johnson
Steve Madewell & Myrtle Johnson

On Thursday, November 20 the B&O Railroad Museum staff provided Myrtle Johnson with a surprise retirement brunch in appreciation for her 24 years of dedicated service to the museum. Courtney Wilson, Executive Director of the B&O Railroad Museum, first provided Myrtle and the staff with a pop culture list of “What Was Happening in the World in 1990”, when Myrtle began her employment.  Myrtle was then presented a framed photo of the Roundhouse signed by all the B&O Staff, who also gave her a gift certificate in appreciation of her service and friendship. Mr. Wilson next presented on behalf of the staff and board of directors a cup and saucer of the B&O’s Centenary Blue China nestled inside an engraved wooden box. However it was the “golden broom” that director of education, Steve Madewell, made exclusively for Myrtle that symbolized how Myrtle’s hands have kept every surface of the museum shiny and clean for all of these years. Her dedication and love for this site reaches to infinity. Her daily presence will be missed by all who know and love her.  Happy Retirement Myrtle! We’ll miss you!

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