Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October 2014 Volunteer of the Month
Star Spangled Spectacular Booth at Baltimore Harbor's Rash Field

The B&O Railroad Museum is pleased to recognize all of the B&O volunteers and staff who worked at the B&O booth at Baltimore's Star Spangled Spectacular the weekend of September 12-14. Long hours were spent making pipe-cleaner star bubble wands and bath tub navy ships, but visitors loved making them with their children and they were a huge hit. When volunteers and staff were not helping out making these crafts, they were eagerly promoting the B&O Railroad Museum, Mount Clare Museum House, and all events planned from now to Spring of 2015. Volunteers were Carol & Dave Erhardt, Jim Kinnear, Patrick Kirn, Jim Maitland, Pete Schap, Judy & Ron Sperling, Al Stominski, Marty Yaker, & Ed Zehler. B&O staff were Amanda Barrett, Kathy Hargest, Jane Harper, Ben Kirn, Dana Kirn, Steve Madewell, Ashley Portrey, and Brad White.

Many thanks to all of you for sharing your time and talents! This marketing event for the Museums could not have been possible without all of your help! We are so fortunate to have you on our team!

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