Sunday, March 30, 2014

April 2014 Volunteer of the Month
Charlotte Ziegler

The B&O Railroad Museum is pleased to recognize Charlotte Ziegler as its April 2014 Volunteer of the Month. Charlotte has volunteered for the museum for over six years. She performs many job duties at the museum and we are extremely grateful for all of her help. She is a regular volunteer docent on Thursdays. Is one of the ladies in charge of Toddler Time, the first and third Wednesday of each month. Charlotte is probably best known around the museum during the holidays when she transforms into Mrs. Claus. Her costumes and accessories as Mrs. Claus and Civil War Mrs. Claus are sewn by her own two hands. When she is not assisting the curatorial and visitor services staff, Charlotte works behind the scenes helping the marketing department. Charlotte manages the media list,disseminates museum press releases, and submits events to on-line calendars. Charlotte, thank you for sharing your time, talents and love of history. The work you do is so appreciated by everyone who works or visits this museum.  We are so fortunate to have you as part of our team!

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